Case Studies


Steam generators are normally insulated by a sheet-metal skin which is held a few inches away from the machine by a series of skeleton metalwork rods. The space between the skin and the machine is then stuffed with glass fibre. We needed to develop an alternative that was less dusty and easier to maintain.


We designed a jacket system using high-temperature cloths and infills. The jacket is assembled almost like a jigsaw, which means it can be easily removed for machine maintenance and replaced quickly afterwards, reducing downtime and saving money. The new jacket also brings improved health and safety features for those working with the machines.


The client can now carry out maintenance without worrying about the insulation system. Jackets can be made to order for various-sized machines, and they deliver time savings and value for money.

14 August 2019, 6:33 am|


Affordable acoustic pads to sit behind perforated metal ceiling tiles.


We designed efficient acoustic pads that sit behind the metal ceiling tiles used in offices, schools and other large buildings across the world. The acoustic pads are affordable, quick to manufacture and easy to install.


We supply an average of 30,000 pads per month, which are delivered directly to the relevant project site. Our customer is currently using these acoustic products in a large refurbishment project across France for the McDonalds restaurant chain.

14 August 2019, 6:31 am|


We were approached by the company which moulds hulls and superstructures for the next generation of lifeboats. They needed insulation to block heat loss from their curing ovens.


The company currently used 6m long, heavy insulation panels. Moving the panels was time-consuming and potentially dangerous. We developed a thermal curtain using a reflective aluminiumised cloth with a glass-fibre infill. The curtain is lightweight and easily moveable.


The curtain is an efficient insulation product, reducing the heat loss from the curing ovens. This means faster heating times, which saves the company time and money. The curtain can also be rolled away when the oven structure is being moved over the moulds, improving safety in the workshop.

12 August 2019, 10:46 am|


Cleaner, lighter insulation material for overground and underground rolling stock.


We developed a foam-based product to replace the traditional fully-enclosed glass fibre material. We have had the new material fire-tested and certified, and demonstrated that it is more environmentally friendly and lighter in weight than the original materials.


This material is being used in all our future rail contracts of this type, including next generation projects like the Aventra platform. By achieving this we were awarded supplier of the year on multiple occasions.

12 August 2019, 10:17 am|